Method of Configuring the Protection Subnet -part2

Configuring DNI Protection

You can create DNI protection for the interworking nodes of two rings, and for the protection of the interworking services between two ring networks. The network can be a combination of equipment from different vendors or different protection modes. Moreover, DNI is also available to fiber and node failures.


You must be an NM user with NE and network maintainer authority or higher.

NE data must be configured, and fibers must be properly created.

Protection subnets must be created for the two rings for which you want to create DNI protection.

The DNI protection cannot be created on four-fiber rings.


Figure 1 shows a sample networking of DNI protection.

Figure 1 DNI protection exampleNE3 or NE5 is the master node while the NE4 or NE6 is the slave node.



  1. Choose Service > SDH Protection Subnet > Create DNI from the Main Menu to display the Create Protection Subnet dialog box.
  2. Enter the name of the protection subnet, for example, DNI_1.
  3. Double-click the icons of NE3 and NE4 on the view, and select them as the master and slave nodes respectively for the DNI protection.


When you select DNI nodes on a protection ring, the west node is the master node and the east node is the slave node.

  1. Click Next to select the protection subnet to which the nodes are associated. Select the associated protection subnet from the protection subnet list: 2f-MS-SPRING_1.
  2. Click Finish to deliver the configuration data.
  3. Repeat Steps 2 through 6 to create the master node and the slave node, which are NE5 and NE6.



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