Why all the boards on OSN 3500 become grey?

Problem: no operation do, but all the board of osn3500 become grey. service is ok.

version: OSN3500 V100R009C04SPC200


the possible reasons for this issue:

1. NE of Huawei MSTP OSN 3500 is in install status

2. some task of soft are suspended


handle procedures:

1. confirm with l1 that service is ok

2. check current alarm, no install alarm on NE

3. use :sys-get-alltaskinfo check all task status. find task of TALM is suspended. normally, there should only two tasks are suspended(tIonNbsSch and VOS_Entry).

#9-50:szhw [1000_Khuvayd_2  ][][2014-08-07 15:34:13+08:00]>
Task-Name        Mod-Name         State    Prio
BOX                               READY    170
_TIL                              PEND     0
VIDL                              READY    254
TICK                              PEND     1
tExcTask                          PEND     0
tVosTimer                         PEND     55
tVos100ms                         PEND     100
tVos1s                            PEND     100
tVfsWorker       VOS              PEND     90
tVfsSender       VOS              PEND     110
tVfsSchemer      VOS              DELAY    150
tBDMLow1S        BDM              DELAY    150
tDmmCCardSend    DMM              PEND+T   70

ERRPICK          ERRPICK          PEND     100
018tMon          MON              READY    120
tSnmpRsp         SNMP             PEND     100
tSnmpReq         SNMP             DELAY    100
tBmMain          BM               PEND     120
tBMR             BM               PEND     100
TALM             MALM             SUSPEND  130
018tFiP          MALM             DELAY    150

               TNTPHSC          NTP              PEND     80
TNTPMML          NTP              PEND     80
TNTPP            NTP              PEND     110
tIonDmmRcv       ION              PEND     75
tIonNbsSch       ION              SUSPEND  70
tIonSckRcv       ION              DELAY    75
tIpAround        ION              PEND     100
TPTHPKG          BDM              PEND     130
TSRLMHSC         BDM              PEND     80
tCOARx           CoaAdp           READY    120
tCOATx           CoaAdp           PEND+T   120
tCOAPP           CoaAdp           READY    120
037TBDMcmd       BDM              PEND     120
037TBDMcmdreset  BDM              DELAY    120
037tDBD          Harddriver       DELAY    130
tPortmapd                         PEND     54
tTelnetd                          PEND     55
tFtpdTask                         PEND     55
tWdbTask                          PEND     3
tChkAux                           DELAY    100
VOS_Entry                         SUSPEND  70
OSPCLK                            DELAY    1
tVosClearDog                      DELAY    250
MccRxTask                         PEND     50
MccFlowTask                       DELAY    100
Total records :180    


4. after warm reset the master scc, Huawei transmission boards become green. NE works normal.   

the task of TALM  is suspended abnormally, then cause this issue.

warm reset the master scc can restart all the tasks.

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