
How to Configure the Huawei Switch to be the TFTP Client?

TFTP does not have a complex interactive access interface and authentication control. TFTP is applicable when there is no complex interaction between the client and server.

The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a simple file transfer protocol. In this article, we will introduce how to configure the Huawei Switch (S5720-28X-LI-24S-DC, S6720-30C-EI-24S-DC etc) to be the TFTP client.


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All firmware should be provided by the client and obtained from legally authorized way.

Trivial File Transfer pic.jpg

Compared with FTP, TFTP does not have a complex interactive access interface and authentication control. TFTP is applicable in an environment where there is no complex interaction between the client and the server. For example, TFTP is used to obtain the memory image of the system when the system starts up.

TFTP is implemented based on the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

The client initiates the TFTP transfer. To download files, the client sends a read request packet to the TFTP server, receives packets from the server, and sends acknowledgement to the server. To upload files, the client sends a write request packet to the TFTP server, sends packets to the server, and receives acknowledgement from the server.

TFTP transfers the files in two formats:

1. The binary format: transfer program files.

2. The ASCII format: transfer text files.

At present, the S series switches serve only as the TFTP client and transfer files in the binary format.

Here we take Huawei S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC in this experiment.

Applicable Environment

You can transfer files through TFTP between the server and the client in a simple interaction environment.

Pre-configuration Tasks

Before configuring TFTP, complete the following tasks:

Powering on the Huawei S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC.

Connecting the TFTP client with the server.

Huawei switch port pic.jpg

Data Preparation

To configure TFTP, you need the following data.

No. Data
1 IP address of the TFTP server
2 Name of the specific file in the TFTP server
3 File directory




The system view is displayed.


tftp client-source { -a source-ip-address | -i interface-type interface-number }

A source IP address of a TFTP client is configured.

After the configuration, the source IP address of the TFTP client displayed on the TFTP server must be the same as the configured one.

3.   Run the following commands according to the type of the server IP addresses.

tftp [ -a source-ip-address | -i interface-type interface-number ] tftp-server  get source-filename [ destination-filename ]

The Huawei S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC is configured to download files through TFTP.

4. Run the following commands according to the type of the server IP addresses.

tftp [ -a source-ip-address | -i interface-type interface-number ] tftp-server  put source-filename [ destination-filename ]

The Huawei S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC is configured to upload files through TFTP.

Switch chip pic.jpg


1.Enable TFTP on the remote server to ensure that the TFTP application software is started.

2.Create VLAN 10 on the Huawei S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC and assign the IP address to VLANIF 10.

<HW-SW-test> system-view
[HW-SW-test] vlan 10
[HW-SW-test-vlan10] quit
[HW-SW-test] interface ethernet 0/0/1
[HW-SW-test-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid pvid vlan 10
[HW-SW-test-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid untagged vlan 10
[HW-SW-test-Ethernet0/0/1] quit
[HW-SW-test] interface vlanif 10
[HW-SW-test-Vlanif10] ip address 24

11.On the Huawei S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC, initiate a connection to the TFTP server and download the file.

<HW-SW-test> tftp get

Info: Transfer file in binary mode.

Downloading the file from the remote tftp server, please wait…

Configuration Files

sysname HW-SW-test
vlan batch 10
interface Vlanif10
ip address
interface Ethernet0/0/1
port hybrid pvid vlan 10
port hybrid untagged vlan 10

So, as mentioned above, if in an environment where there is no complex interaction between the client and the server, TFTP is a simple file transfer protocol and can be applicable easily.

If you need more detailed information for this project, you can contact for help.

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