
How to configure the Management Channel Between OLT and ONU

To achieve login to Huawei MA5800, MA5600 series ONU from Huawei MA5600T, MA5800 series OLT, and configure the Huawei MA5800, MA5600 series ONU, you have to make sure the inband management channel between the Huawei MA5600T, MA5800 series OLT and the Huawei MA5800, MA5600 series ONU is configured and available, so that we are about to indicate how to configure the management channel between Huawei MA5800-X7 and Huawei MA5671 in this article.

Data plan

Huawei MA5800 X7


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Huawei MA5671 4GE (Metal)

PN: 98030584

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Item Data Remarks
Management VLAN and management IP address on MA5800-X7 side Management VLAN ID: 8

Management VLAN type: smart VLAN

Inband management IP address:

To configure the MA5671 from the MA5800-X7 by remotely login to the MA5671, the management VLAN of the MA5800-X7 and the MA5671 must be the same, and the management IP address of the MA5800-X7 and the MA5671 must be in the same network segment.
Management VLAN and management IP address on the MA5671 side Management VLAN ID: 8
Management VLAN type: smart VLAN
Inband management IP address:


1. Configure the inband management VLAN and IP address of MA5800-X7.

Configure the inband management VLAN to 8, VLAN priority to 6, and the IP address to

huawei(config)#vlan 8 smart
huawei(config)#port vlan 8 0/19 0
huawei(config)#vlan priority 8 6
huawei(config)#interface vlanif 8
huawei(config-if-vlanif8)#ip address 24

Secure CRT.jpg

2. Configure the inband management VLAN and IP address of MA5671.

Configure the static IP address of MA5671 to, gateway to, and the management VLAN ID to 8 (the same as the management VLAN of MA5800-X7).

huawei(config)#interface gpon 0/2
huawei(config-if-gpon-0/2)#ont ipconfig 1 1 static ip-address mask gateway vlan 8

3. Configure an inband management service port.

Configure the management service port ID to 1, management VLAN ID to 8, GEM port ID to 11, and user-side VLAN ID to 8.

Since the inband management service flows is not limited by MA5800-X7, it is recommended that you can use default traffic profile 6.

huawei(config)#service-port 1 vlan 8 gpon 0/2/1 ont 1 gemport 11 multi-service user-vlan 8 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6

4.Confirm that the management channel between MA5800-X7 and MA5671 is available. On MA5800-X7, run the ping command to check the connectivity between the MA5800-X7 and the MA5671, the ICMP ECHO-REPLY packet from MA5671 should be received


When finish the above all procedures, you can understand how to remotely login to the Huawei MA5800, MA5600 series ONU to perform the configuration on the Huawei MA5600T, MA5800 series OLT.

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