
How to link a Huawei ONT to Huawei OLT?

Some of our customers are unfamiliar for Huawei OLT and ONT, they choose Huawei network products when just set up their internet service company, so everything maybe new for them. The first skill which need to be acquired is linking ONT to OLT. Below are briefly guide and steps that operated in our test lab, hope it is helpful.

All firmware should be provided by the client and obtained from legally authorized way.


Huawei MA5800 X17

PN: AA7D4B02

In stock

Ready to ship | 228 sold | 11 QA

1, OLT and ONT (we use MA5800 X17 and HS8546V5 in our lab)

2, GPON board GPHF

3, Ethernet cable connects ONT and PC; console cable connects OLT and PC

4, Patch-cord, attenuator (keep ONT RX is -20dbm~-24dbm)


1, login OLT and confirm GPON board
MA5800-X17(config)#display board 0

MA5800-X17(config)#board confirm 0/X

2, Enable autofind function of the GPON port
MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/2)#port 0 ont-auto-find enable
3, Search for the SN of ONT
MA5800-X17(config-if-gpon-0/2)#display ont autofind 0

{ <cr>||<K> }:


display ont autofind 0


Number              : 1

F/S/P               : 0/2/0

Ont SN              : 4857XXXXXXXXX (HWTC-E4C09C9D)

Password            : 0x00000000000000000000

Loid                :

Checkcode           :

VendorID            : HWTC

Ont Version         : 14ED.A

Ont SoftwareVersion : V5R019C00S050

Ont EquipmentID     : HS8546V5

Ont Customized Info : COMMON

Ont autofind time   : 2000-01-01 10:11:24+08:00


4, Linking ONT to OLT

Make sure ONT PON port are light (the light blinks before auth)

5, Finish Auth

VLAN Plan and main code:

vlan 500 smart

interface vlanif 500

ip address 24

port vlan 500 0/9 0

traffic table ip index 8 cir 4096 priority 1 priority-policy local-setting

ont add 0 15 sn-auth 48575443EXXX omci

traffic table ip index 8 cir 4096 priority 1 priority-policy  local-setting

servike-port 10 vlan 500 port 0/2/0 ont 15 eth 1 multi-service user-vlan untagged tag-transform default inbound traffic-table index 8 outbound traffic-table index 8

Topological graph for reference

6, Configuring Up-link Suit (Switch or Router)

Tips : trunk mode & permit vlan pass must be set when link OLT port

This is just a very simple guidance, if your engineer still has problems after operating as this way, please contact supports teams, and we will assist you via email or provide remote assistance if necessary.

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