
How to set the Rate Limitation Mode of a GPON Card?

Have you ever had the problem to restrict the rate of a GPON card? It would be GPBD, GPFD, GPHF, we are about to introduce how to set the rate limitation mode in this article.

Huawei GPHF.jpg

Navigation Path

1. In the Main Topology, double-click the required NE in the Physical Root navigation tree; or right-click the required NE and choose NE Explorer from the shortcut menu.


2. Choose NE Panel from the navigation tree.

3. Select a service card Huawei GPBD, right-click, and then choose Configure Board Car Mode.

How to set the Rate Limitation Mode of a GPON Card-3.jpg


To set the rate limitation mode of a service virtual port on the card, perform this operation. The rate of a port can be limited based on the port or service flow. When the rate of a card is limited based on the port, the traffic indexes that are referenced when you create the service virtual port is invalid. In this case, the traffic is limited according to the priority of the packet transmitted through the port.

Parameter Description

Table 1 Parameters required for setting the rate limitation mode of a card

Parameter Description Settings
Car Mode


Indicates the rate limitation mode of a card.

Service Port: Indicates that the packet transmit rate is limited based on the service flow.

GEM Port+COS or Port Cos: Indicates that the packet transmit rate is limited based on the port and priority.

GEM Port+COS: Indicates that the packet transmit rate is limited based on the port and priority.


Enumerated type.

For the GPBC/GPBD card, the options are as follows:

Service Port


For the EPBC/EPBD card, the options are as follows:

Service Port

Port Cos

For the other type of card, the options are as follows:

Service Port

Port Cos

You may easily understand how to set the rate limitation mode of a card from our article, more related supports or service, please kindly contact us at

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