
Huawei ETP48100/48200/48300/48400/48600 AC/DC converter Introduction

Huawei AC/DC power converter is applied to Huawei DC power telecommunication devices, such as Huawei OTN OSN8800 OSN9800, SDH OSN7500 OSN3500, GPON OLT MA5600T MA5800,  and router ME60 NE8000. Some of these devices only support DC power, which network power environment is AC, so AC to DC power converter does its job.

Huawei has many types of converters like ETP4830 4815 48100 etc, with different MAX power supported and rectifiers, this article will mainly introduce you ETP48100, ETP48200, ETP48300, ETP48400 and ETP48600 series models from aspects of parameters, naming rules and rectifiers.

Model ETP48100 ETP48200 ETP48300 ETP48400 ETP48600
Width (inch) 19 19 19 19 19
Max Power (A) 100 200 300 400 600
Rectifier Max 2x50A Max 5x50A Max 6x50A Max 8x50A Max 8x75A
Monitor module Not support Support Support Support Support
Battery Not support Support Support Support Support

Each above series -48V converter has several difference sub-model, we will introduce one by one below.

Name rules:

ETP48400 and ETP48300 for example



1, ETP48100 series

MAX 100A converter, includes ETP48100-B1 and ETP48100-A1, both no BATT, no monitor modules supported.


PN: 02310MJW

In stock

Ready to ship | 880 sold | 4 QA

-B1, 4 output LOAD

-A1, 2 output LOAD


2, ETP48200 series

ETP48200 is an embedded AC/DC power system that supplies power to -48 V series.

communications equipment. ETP48200 uses 50A EPW50-48A or 30A EPW30-48A and provides a maximum of 200A current, supports motioning and battery backup.

ETP48200 series includes below models, with different height and series number.

Height Model
5U ETP48200-C5E2, ETP48200-C5E1, ETP48200-C5D6, ETP48200-C5D2

ETP48200-C5D1, ETP48200-C5C9, ETP48200-C5C6. ETP48200-C5C4-001

ETP48200-C5B4, ETP48200-C5B5, ETP48200-C5A7, ETP48200-C5A4

ETP48200-C5A2, ETP48200-C5A1, ETP48200-C5A3

4U  ETP48200-C4A3, ETP48200-C4A1
2U ETP48200-C2A6 ETP48200-C2A4 ETP48200-C2A5 ETP48200-C2A1


3, ETP48300 Series

MAX power 300A, mainly includes below models:

ETP48300-C10A1, ETP48300-C6A1, ETP48300-C6D2, ETP48300-C6A1, ETP48300C3A1

4, ETP48400 Series

Max 400A Current, Battery and monitor module supported

Height Model
9U ETP48400-C9A2
6U ETP48400-C6A4, ETP48400-C6A3

ETP48300-C6A1, ETP48400-C6B6

5U ETP48400-C5E1
4U ETP48400-C4B1, ETP48400-C4A1
3U ETP48400-C3B5 , ETP48400-C3B1 ETP48400-C3B2

Different models have different Load Qty, rectifiers and monitor modules. Take ETP48400-C3B1 and ETP48400-C4A1 for comparison.


Model ETP48400-C3B1 ETP48400-C4A1
Height 3U 4U
Rectifier R4875G

(maximum configure 6)


(maximum configure 6)

Monitor module SMU02C SMU02C
Solar module NA S4850G

(maximum configure 5)

Load & BATT 11 LOAD, 1 BATT 12 LOAD, 4 BATT

5, ETP48600 Series

Max 600A current, most models are 5U height.

ETP48600-C5B1, ETP48600-C5A6, ETP48600-C5A7 and ETP48600-C5A2

Huawei has fully series -48V power converters, you can choose models according to your rack space and the telecommunication device power, if you have needs or questions about Huawei or ZTE converter, please contact us without any hesitation.

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