Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) is the control protocol for implementing the link aggregation in the IEEE 802.3ad standard. If you need your MA5680T MA5683T or MA5608T to realize functions of ports between devices aggregated automatically, port failure detection at layer 2 performed, line aggregation protocol control performed, and protection switchover function triggered, you can configure the GPON MA5600T series OLT LACP as below three commands.
1.LACP preempt
The lacp preempt enable command is used to set the LACP priority preemption mode. The set preemption mode must be the same as the preemption mode of the peer device. Otherwise, after the active link recovers, the link will be interrupted.
The undo lacp preempt enable command is used to cancel the setting of the LACP priority preemption mode.
lacp preempt enable
undo lacp preempt enable
Usage Guidelines
By default, LACP works in the non-priority preemption mode.
When LACP works in the priority preemption mode, the system will preferentially select the port with high priority as the selected port. In the case of active and standby links, after the active link recovers, the system will automatically switch back to the active link and ensure that the active link is preferentially used.
When LACP works in the non-priority preemption mode, the system will preferentially select the port that is currently in the forwarding state as the selected port. In the case of active and standby links, after the active link recovers, the system will not automatically switch back to the active link. Instead, the system still uses the current link as the working link.
Switching from the non-priority preemption mode to the priority preemption mode will trigger LACP to re-select a link. Switching from the priority preemption mode to the non-priority preemption mode, however, will not trigger LACP to re-select a link.
To set LACP to work in the priority preemption mode, do as follows:
huawei(config)#lacp preempt { enable<K> }:enable
Command: lacp preempt enable
To disable LACP from working in the priority preemption mode, do as follows:
huawei(config)#undo lacp preempt { enable<K> }:enable Command: undo lacp preempt enable
System Response
The system does not display any message after the command is executed successfully. LACP-key
This command is used to set the management key of the LACP static aggregation group. Each aggregation group corresponds to one management key for managing the aggregation group. When you run the link-aggregation command to set the LACP static aggregation group, the system automatically allocates an idle management key. To facilitate the management on aggregation groups, generally, run this command to change the allocated management key to the planned management key.
link-aggregation lacp-key frameid/slotid/portid admin-key
Parameter | Description | Value |
frameid/slotid/portid | Indicates the subrack ID, slot ID, and port ID. Enter a slash (/) between the subrack, slot, and port IDs. To query the LACP static aggregation configuration of the aggregation group that the port belongs to, use this parameter. | frameid: the specifications vary with devices. slotid: The specifications vary with devices. portid: Varies with the board type. |
admin-key | Indicates the management key of the aggregation group. It uniquely identifies an aggregation group. | Numeral type.
Range: 1-65535. |
Usage Guidelines
You can run the display lacp link-aggregation command to query the management key of the LACP static aggregation group.
You can run the link-aggregation command to set the aggregation group.
To set the management key of the LACP aggregation group to 2048 based on the data plan, do as follows:
huawei(config)#link-aggregation lacp-key { frameid/slotid/portid<S><Length 5-18> }:0/3/0 { admin-key<U><1,65535> }:2048 Command: link-aggregation lacp-key 0/3/0 2048
System Response
The system does not display any message after the command is executed successfully.
3.display LACP link-aggregation
This command is used to query the configuration of the LACP static aggregation.
display lacp link-aggregation { port frameid/slotid/portid | summary | verbose groupid }
Parameter | Description | Value |
port frameid/slotid/portid | Indicates the subrack ID, slot ID, and port ID. Enter a slash (/) between the subrack, slot, and port IDs. When you need to query the LACP static aggregation configuration of the aggregation group that the port belongs to, use this parameter. | Please see Differences Between Shelves. |
summary | Indicates the summary of the LACP static aggregation configuration. When you need to query the static aggregation configuration of global LACP, use this parameter. | – |
verbose groupid | Indicates the detailed LACP static aggregation configuration of a specific aggregation group. | Numeral type. Range: 1-512. |
Usage Guidelines
After you run the link-aggregation command to set the aggregation group to work in the LACP static detection mode, you can query the configuration of the port and aggregation group.
To query the summary of the LACP static aggregation configuration, do as follows:
huawei#display lacp link-aggregation { port<K>|summary<K>|verbose<K> }:summary Command: display lacp link-aggregation summary Actor Priority : 32768 MAC Address: 00e0-fc00-3245 Short Period : 1 s Long Period: 30 s Priority Preemption: Disable -------------------------------------------------------------------- Agg Partner Partner Select Standby Load Backup Master Admin ID Pri MAC Ports Ports Sharing Protect Port Key -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 32768 00e0-fc00-ad6f 1 1 YES NO 0/19/1 65535 --------------------------------------------------------------------
To query the LACP static aggregation configuration of the aggregation group that port 0/19/0 belongs to, do as follows:
huawei#display lacp link-aggregation { port<K>|summary<K>|verbose<K> }:port { frameid/slotid/portid<S><Length 5-18> }:0/19/0 Command: display lacp link-aggregation port 0/19/0 Port Number : 2 Selected AggID : 1 System ID : 32768, 00e0-fc00-ad6f Admin Key : 1 Received LACPDU: 31 Illegal LACPDU : 0 Sent LACPDU : 32 Actor Port-priority: 16384 Oper-key : 1 Flag : 3F Type : Sub port Role : SELECTED Status : C&D Partner System ID : 32768, 00e0-fc00-3245 Port Number : 2 Port-priority: 16384 Oper-key : 1 Flag : 3F
To query the detailed configuration of LACP static aggregation group 1, do as follows:
huawei#display lacp link-aggregation { port<K>|summary<K>|verbose<K> }:verbose { INTERGER<1-512> }:1 Command: display lacp link-aggregation verbose 1 System Priority: 32768 MAC Address : 00e0-fc00-ad6f Protect Mode : Non-BackupProtect Admin Key : 1 Master Port: 0/19/0 Actor Port Priority : 16384 Oper-key : 0 Port Role : STANDBY Port Status: Non-C&D Sub Port: 0/19/1 Actor Port Priority : 16384 Oper-key : 1 Port Role : SELECTED Port Status: C&D Partner System Priority: 32768 MAC Address: 00e0-fc00-3245 Port Priority : 16384 Oper-key : 1
System Response
The system displays the queried result when the command runs successfully.
The following table describes the parameters in response to the display lacp link-aggregation summary command.
Parameter | Description |
Actor | Indicates the local identifier. The following is the local configuration. |
Priority | Indicates the current LACP priority of the system. You can set the LACP priority of the system by running the lacp priority command. |
MAC Address | Indicates the MAC address of the system. |
Short Period | Indicates the LACP short period. You can set the LACP short period by running the lacp short-period command. If no LACP packet is received within three times of the short period, the system takes the port as faulty. |
Long Period | Indicates the LACP long period. You can set the LACP long period by running the lacp long-period command. The system transmits LACP packets periodically. The remote setting determines whether the LACP packets are transmitted in the short period or the long period. |
Priority Preemption | Indicates the LACP priority preemption mode. You can set the LACP priority preemption by running the lacp preempt command. |
Agg ID | Indicates the aggregation group ID. The aggregation group ID is generated when you run the link-aggregation command to configure the aggregation group. The system supports up to 32 aggregation groups. |
Partner Pri | Indicates the LACP priority of the remote device. |
Partner MAC | Indicates the MAC address of the remote device. |
Select Ports | Indicates the selection ports number of the aggregation group. |
Standby Ports | Indicates the standby ports number of the aggregation group. |
Load Sharing | Indicates whether the ports of the aggregation group work in load-sharing mode. The system can work in load-sharing or backup protection mode. |
Backup Protect | Indicates whether the ports of the aggregation group work in backup protection mode. The system can work in load-sharing or backup protection mode. |
Master Port | Indicates the master port of the aggregation group. |
Admin Key | Indicates the administrant Key of the aggregation group. You can runthelink-aggregation lacp-key command to set the administrant Key of the aggregation group. |
The following table describes the parameters in response to the display lacp link-aggregation port 0/19/0 command.
Parameter | Description |
Port Number | Indicates the port ID in the aggregation group. |
Selected AggID | Indicates the aggregation group ID of the port. |
System ID | Indicates the system ID.There are eight bytes with the high two bytes as the system priority and the low six bytes as the system MAC address. |
Admin Key | Indicates the administrant Key of the aggregation group. You can run thelink-aggregation lacp-key command to set the administrant Key of the aggregation group. |
Received LACPDU | Indicates the total number of the received LACP DU packets. |
Illegal LACPDU | Indicates the total number of the illegal LACP DU packets. |
Sent LACPDU | Indicates the total number of the transmitted LACP DU packets. |
Actor | Indicates local identifier. The following is the local configuration. |
Partner | Indicates the identifier of the remote device. The following is the configuration of the remote device. |
Port-priority | Indicates the current LACP priority of the port. You can set the LACP priority of the port by running the lacp priority command. |
Oper-key | Indicates the port operation key. You need not to set the operation key. |
Flag | Indicates the flag bit. There are eight bits together. The flag is in hexadecimal notation. |
Type | Indicates the port type. There are main port and sub-port. |
Role | Indicates the port role. There are select port and standby port. |
Status | Indicates the port state. There are non-collection & distributing and collecting & distributing. |
The following table describes the parameters in response to the display lacp link-aggregation verbose 1 command.
Parameter | Description |
System Priority | Indicates the LACP priority of the system. You can set the LACP priority of the system by running the lacp priority command. |
MAC Address | Indicates the MAC address of the system. |
Protect Mode | Indicates whether the current port works in protection pair mode. |
Admin Key | Indicates the administrant Key of the aggregation group. You can runthelink-aggregation lacp-key command to set the administrant Key of the aggregation group. |
Master Port | Indicates the master port of the aggregation group. |
Sub Port | Indicates the sub port of the aggregation group. |
Actor | Indicates the identifier of the local device. The following is the configuration of the local device. |
Partner | Indicates the identifier of the remote device. The following is the configuration of the remote device. |
Port Priority | Indicates the current LACP priority of the port. You can set the LACP priority of the port by running the lacp priority command. |
Oper-key | Indicates the port operation key. You do not need to set the operation key. |
Port Role | Indicates the port role. There are select port and standby port two types. |
Port Status | Indicates the port state. There are non-collection & distributing and collecting & distributing two modes. |
After the three commands, GPON OLT (MA5608T, MA5683T, MA5680T) LACP configurations finished theoretically. You can contact technical support if you encounter some problems or errors during actual operation.