
Huawei SmartAX MA5600T System Test Procedure

Huawei SmartAX MA5600T System Test Procedure

Huawei SmartAX MA5600T multi-service access module which can be used as the large-capacity gpon olt, ip deslam and msan. As a series of large-/medium-/small-capacity devices, they share the same software platform and service boards.

  • Large-capacity device: MA5680T
  • Medium-capacity device: MA5683T
  • Small-capacity device: MA5608T

Even though some ISPs have upgraded into MA5800 new series which can support 10G symmetrical service boards, not a few clients still choose to deploy MA5600T old series OLT and GPON boards due to lower CapEx and 10G GPON less application.

Huawei MA5683T

PN: 02351652

In stock

Ready to ship | 132 sold | 17 QA

To avoid deployment delay due to equipment dead on arrival, we will do a comprehensive test before storage and delivery to the client. In this article, we will introduce in detail how we test the MA5600T OLT by taking MA5683T as an example:

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Huawei SmartAX MA5683T

Test Procedure

Step 1: Choose Huawei MA5683T with SCUN and GPFD for testing.


Step 2: Connect Computer and CON port on SCUN by a Console Cable.


Step 3: Insert GPFD C+, power on MA5683T system.


Step 4: Observe the board indicator light, and lights change from red to green and glint once every second;


Step 5: Login MA5683T via Secure CRT, input the command “display board 0” to check board status;

SlotID  BoardName  Status          SubType0 SubType1    Online/Offline






  5       H805GPFD   Normal                           

  6       H802SCUN   Active_normal                    

  7       H802SCUN   Standby_normal                   







Step 6: Input command “display version ” to check chassis version of MA5683T.


          display version

  VERSION : MA5600V800R013C10

  PATCH   : SPC205



Step 7: Check the two main control board SCUN share the same R13 software version.

MA5683T(config)#display board 0/6

 Main Board: H802SCUN                

  PCB           Version: H802SCUN  VER A         

  Base     BIOS Version: 309         

  Extended BIOS Version: 318         

  Software      Version: MA5600V800R013C10         

  Logic         Version: (U1)104         

  MAB           Version: 0001

MA5683T(config)#display board 0/7

  Main Board: H802SCUN          

  PCB           Version: H802SCUN  VER A         

  Base     BIOS Version: 309         

  Extended BIOS Version: 318         

  Software      Version: MA5600V800R013C10         

  Logic         Version: (U1)104         

  MAB           Version: 0001

All firmware should be provided by the client and obtained from legally authorized way.

Step 8: check GPFD board status and its optical module status.

MA5683T(config)#display board 0/5

Board Name: H805GPFD                    

Board Status: Normal                        

Port   Port   min-distance   max-distance   Optical-module

           type       (km)           (km)           status

    0     GPON        0              20             Online

    1     GPON        0              20             Online

    2     GPON        0              20             Online

    3     GPON        0              20             Online

    4     GPON        0              20             Online

    5     GPON        0              20             Online

    6     GPON        0              20             Online

    7     GPON        0              20             Online

    8     GPON        0              20             Online

    9     GPON        0              20             Online

   10     GPON        0              20             Online

   11     GPON        0              20             Online

   12     GPON        0              20             Online

   13     GPON        0              20             Online

   14     GPON        0              20             Online

   15     GPON        0              20             Online


Step 9: Enter into GPFD GPON port, and detect whether the GPON module works normally.

Case 1: MA5683T(config)#interface gpon 0/5/0

  F/S/P                        0/5/0

  Optical Module status        Online

  Port state                   Offline

  Laser state                  Normal

  Available bandwidth(Kbps)    1238420

  Temperature(C)               31

  TX Bias current(mA)          13

  Supply Voltage(V)            3.32

  TX power(dBm)                5.01

  Illegal rogue ONT            Inexistent

  Max Distance(Km)             60

  Wave length(nm)              1490

  Fiber type                   Single Mode

  Length(9μm)(km)             -

According to Huawei official specification, the normal TX power range of GPON module is:

B+ 1.5~5dBm

C+ 3~7dBm

C++ 6~10dBm

In case 1, 0/5/0 GPON module TX power is 5.01dBm, which shows the module works normally.


Case 2: MA5683T(config)#interface gpon  0/5/3

F/S/P                        0/5/3

  Optical Module status        Online

  Port state                   Offline

Laser state                  Normal

  Available bandwidth(Kbps)    1239040

  Temperature(C)               34

  TX Bias current(mA)          14

  Supply Voltage(V)            3.29

  TX power(dBm)              2.23

  Illegal rogue ONT            Inexistent

  Max Distance(Km)             60

  Wave length(nm)              1490

  Fiber type                   Single Mode

  Length(9μm)(km)             -


In case 2, 0/5/3 GPON module TX power is 3.22dBm, some weaker, which means abnormal. Pls also note if TX Bias current, Supply Voltage, and TX power(dBm) are messy code and blank, which all indicate modules are faulty.

From our testing experience, faulty optical modules account for the vast majority of our test entries and have been eliminated once tested defective.Thus, we cannot judge it only based on its indicator glint and display the status of the GPON board, we must check every GPON module TX power via commend. Therefore, in addition to appearance inspection, inserting board into OLT to check GPON module status is necessary before each purchase.

From above you can see, our test entries include system version, hardware, and software, all SFP module TX power, etc. Once the test is finished, we will issue a test report attached to the OLT package. Thanks to our strict quality control, customers seldom report issues during their deployment process, so will you purchase other unreliable or even defective equipment, only for a 3-5% little price gap?

If any support or questions, please email us at