
Huawei ME60 System Test Procedure

Huawei ME60 System Test Procedure

In recently years, more and more distributors swarm into the data communication field. Most of them have no websites and test labs, they source routers in the market, or just swap out some router cards from scrapped chassis, and then sell them to overseas customers directly without any test.

Due to no test lab and professional technical team, the customers always received an item with problems, such as board unregistered, daughter-card missing etc. Thunder-link has a complete test system, and every item will be tested by the engineers comprehensively before delivering to customers.

Here taking a set of Huawei ME60-X8 with 200G SRUA and SFUI-200-C system as an example.


PN: 02350RFC

In stock

3-5 days lead time | 8 sold | 5 QA
  1.   Connect a PC and the CONSOLE port on SRUA via a console cable



2.  Insert mother and daughter boards, BSUF-100 and BP100, BSUF-240 and BP240, VSUF-160 and SP160

Huawei BP240.png

3. Observe the indicator lights status of these board, lights turn from red to green and glint once every second

4. Login ME60-X8, password huawei@123

5. Check status of main control boards, switching boards and mother boards.

[HUAWEI]display device
Case 1
MultiserviceEngine 60-X8's Device status:
Slot #    Type       Online    Register      Status      Primary   
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2         BSU        Present   Registered    Normal      NA        
3         BSU        Present   Registered    Normal      NA        
4         BSU        Present   Registered    Normal      NA        
5         VSU        Present   Registered    Normal      NA        
6         BSU        Present   Registered    Normal      NA        
9         MPU       Present   NA         Normal      Master    
10        MPU       Present   Registered    Normal      Slave     
11        SFU        Present   Registered    Normal      NA        
12        SFU        Present   Registered    Normal      NA        
13        SFU        Present   Registered    Normal      NA        
14        CLK        Present   Registered    Normal      Master    
15        CLK        Present   Registered    Normal      Slave     
16        PWR       Present   Registered    Abnormal    NA        
17        PWR       Present   Registered    Normal      NA        
19        FAN       Present   Registered    Normal      NA


“Registered” and “Normal” indicate that boards are added successfully.

Case 2

MultiserviceEngine 60-X8's Device status:
1         BSU        Present   Registered    Normal      NA
2         BSU        Present   Registered    Normal      NA
3         LPU/SPU    Present   Unregistered  Abnormal    NA
9         MPU        Present   NA          Normal      Master
10        MPU        Present   Registered    Normal      Slave
11        SFU         Present   Registered    Normal      NA
12        SFU         Present   Registered    Normal      NA
13        SFU         Present   Registered    Normal      NA
14        CLK         Present   Registered    Normal      Master
15        CLK         Present   Registered    Normal      Slave
16        PWR        Present   Registered    Abnormal    NA
17        PWR        Present   Registered    Normal      NA
19        FAN        Present   Registered    Normal     NA

“Unregistered” and “Abnormal” indicate that boards are added not successfully.

6. Check daughter cards status

[HUAWEI]display device pic-status
Pic-status information in Chassis 1:
SLOT PIC Status     Type                   Port_count     Init_result   Logic_down 
2    0   Registered LAN_WAN_5x10GF_B_CARD  5          SUCCESS       SUCCESS    
2    1   Registered LAN_WAN_5x10GF_B_CARD  5          SUCCESS       SUCCESS    
3    0   Registered LAN_WAN_5x10GF_B_CARD  5          SUCCESS       SUCCESS    
3    1   Registered LAN_WAN_5x10GF_B_CARD  5          SUCCESS       SUCCESS    
4    0   Registered LAN_WAN_5x10GF_B_CARD  5          SUCCESS       SUCCESS    
4    1   Registered LAN_WAN_5x10GF_B_CARD  5          SUCCESS       SUCCESS    
5    0   Registered DVSU_SP_CARD            0          SUCCESS       SUCCESS    
6    0   Registered LAN_WAN_10x10GF_B_CARD 10         SUCCESS       SUCCESS

“SUCCESS” shows that daughter boards are normal, and are added into mother boards successfully.

7. Check ME60 system and board version

[HUAWEI]display version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.170 (ME60 V600R009C20SPC600)
Copyright (C) 2000-2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
MultiserviceEngine 60-X8 version information:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BKP 1 version information:
PCB Version : CR56BKP08B REV
MPU Slot Quantity : 0
 SRU Slot Quantity : 2
 SFU Slot Quantity : 1
 LPU Slot Quantity : 8
<HUAWEI>display version slot 2
BSU 3:
Host    processor :
SDRAM Memory Size: 4096M  bytes
  Flash Memory Size:  128M  bytes
  ME0DBSUFA070 version information
  PCB         Version : CR57LPUF120A REV C
  EPLD        Version : 100
  FPGA        Version : 101
  BootROM     Version : 51.0
  BootLoad    Version : 58.0
  FSURTP      Version : Version 2.1 RELEASE 0372
  FSUKERNEL   Version : Version 1.0 RELEASE 0372
  ASE         Version : 000              
  PE          Version : 000
  PIC0: StartupTime   2019/04/08    15:32:41
  ME0D0L5XXB7H version information
  PCB         Version : CR57L5XFB REV B
  FPGA        Version : 104
  PIC1: StartupTime   2019/04/08    15:32:49
  ME0D0L5XXB7H version information
  PCB         Version : CR57L5XFB REV B
  FPGA        Version : 104
  MonitorBUS version information:
  Software    Version : 10.55
  Configure license items:

8. Check BSUF-100 ME0DBSUFA070 and BP100 detailed info

BSUF-100 and BP100.png

[HUAWEI]display device 2         
 slot2's detail information:
  Description:Flexible Card Broadband Service Unit(BSUF-100,2 sub-slots)
  Board status:                           Normal
  Register:                               Registered
  CPU Utilization(%):                     11%
  Mem Usage(%):                           17%
Clock information:
  State item                             State              
  Current syn-clock:                      9                  
  Current line-clock:                     14                 
  Syn-clock state:                        Locked     VCXO_OK    REF_OK    
  Syn-clock 9 state:                      Actived            
  Syn-clock 10 state:                     Actived            
  Line-clock 14 state:                    Actived            
  Line-clock 15 state:                    Actived            
Statistic information:
  Statistic item                          Statistic number
  SERDES interface link lost:             0                  
  MPU switches:                           0
  Syn-clock switches:                     0                  
  Line-clock switches:                    0                  
PIC0:ME0D0L5XXB7H information:
  Description:5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card(BP100)
  Card type:                              ETHERNET           
  Port number:                            5
  Converge info:                          non-converge
PIC1:ME0D0L5XXB7H information:
  Description:5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card(BP100)
  Card type:                              ETHERNET           
  Port number:                            5
  Converge info:                          non-converge
Configure license items:

9. Check board manufactured time and barcode

<HUAWEI>display elabel 2
[Board Properties]
Description=ME60,ME03BSUF120A00,Flexible Card Broadband Service Unit(BSUF-100,2 sub-slots)
[Board Properties]
Description=ME60,ME03L5XFB0,5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card(BP100)

Huawei core router like ME60 is an integrated BRAS and high-end router, typically deploy at core center, any failure or malfunction of hardware will cause even more loss.

By view of this, test of board consistence and system compatibility is indispensable. To guarantee customers’ benefits, Thunder-link will do a comprehensive test for Huawei router system as above procedures, which realizes plug-and-play in a real sense.


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