
NOKIA OLT System Test Procedure

Nokia Corporation is a Finnish multinational telecommunications, information technology, and consumer electronics company, founded in 1865. The company has operated in various industries over the past 150 years. It was founded as a pulp mill and had long been associated with rubber and cables, but since the 1990s has focused on large-scale telecommunications infrastructures, technology development, and licensing.

After its mobile phone business was bought by Microsoft, Nokia began to focus more extensively on its telecommunications infrastructure business and on Internet of things technologies, marked by the divestiture of its Here mapping division and the acquisition of Alcatel-Lucent, including its Bell Labs research organization.

In this article, we will introduce in detail how we test the Nokia 7360 ISAM FX OLT.

NOKIA Alcatel-Lucent 7360 ISAM FX-8

PN: 3FE67229AB

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Ready to ship | 25 sold |

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Nokian 7360 ISAM FX-8


Step1. Connect the power cables to a power converter.

Step 2. Connect the console cable to PC.

Step 3. After the FX-8 start-up. Let’s open the SecureCRT and select a COM port (COM3) in accordance with the cable connection on the serial interface. Set the Baud Rate to 9600

Step 4.  In serial interface mode, run the C command enter the Command Line Interface, and use the default user name and password to enter the administrator mode.

User: isadmin 

Password: i$@mad-


Step 5. We will check the SW of the chassis first

Input command show software-mngt oswp and show>software-mngt>version# ansi to check the SW.

leg:isadmin># show software-mngt oswp


oswp table


     |                                     |            |          |commit      

index|name                                 |availability|act-status|status      


1     L6GPAA60.441                          enabled      active     committed   

2     NO_OSWP                               empty        not-active un-committed


oswp count : 2




leg:isadmin># show

leg:isadmin>show# software-mngt

leg:isadmin>show>software-mngt# version

leg:isadmin>show>software-mngt>version# ansi


ansi table


    isam-feature-group : R6.0.02                                                



Step 6. Use the command show equipment slot, to check the boards status

Step 7. As you can see in the above picture, the statues of boards are no-planned-board, so we must add those boards by using the command configure equipment slot xx planned-type xx.  For example, configure equipment slot acu:1/1 planned-type ngfc-e

When all the boards are added, you can check the status of the boards again, error-status changes to no-error.


Step 8. Check the details of boards, and use the command show equipment slot detail

leg:isadmin># show equipment slot detail


slot table (detailed)





slot : acu:1/1                  planned-type : ngfc-e        

actual-type : ngfc-e                    oper-status : enabled       

error-status : no-error                                              

availability : available     

alarm-profile : none                                                  

capab-profile : not_applicable                                        

manufacturer : ALCL                                                  

mnemonic : NGFC-E                                                

pba-code :                                                       

fpba-code : 3FE64985AABA                                          

fpba-ics : 01                                                    

clei-code : VAUCAJ76AA                                            

serial-no : 1708A0382                                             

failed-test : 00:00:00:00                                           

lt-restart-time : 1970-01-01:00:00:00                                   

lt-restart-cause : other                                                 

lt-restart-num : 0                  restart-cnt-per-lt : 0             

mgnt-entity-oamipaddr :                                               

mgnt-entity-pairnum : 0             

dual-host-ip :                                               

dual-host-loc : none

We will record all the serial numbers of boards by using this command, which to ensure your after-sales service.


Step 9. Check the port state by using show port command. If you need more detailed port information, use the command show port detail

leg:isadmin># show port


Ports on NT


Port          Admin Link Port    Cfg  Oper LAG/ Port Port Port

Id            State      State   MTU  MTU  Bndl Mode Encp Type


nt:vp:1       Up    Yes  Up      1518 1518    - accs dotq vport

nt:mc:1       Up    Yes  Up      1518 1518    - accs dotq vport




leg:isadmin># show port detail


Ethernet Interface


Description        : ISAM/FTTU Virtual Port

Interface          : nt:vp:1                    Oper Speed       : 10 Gbps

Link-level         : Ethernet                   Config Speed     : N/A

Admin State        : up                         Oper Duplex      : N/A

Oper State         : up                         Config Duplex    : N/A

Physical Link      : Yes                        MTU              : 1518

IfIndex            : 35684352                   Hold time up     : 0 seconds

Last State Change  : 01/01/1970 00:02:50        Hold time down   : 0 seconds

Last Cleared Time  : N/A                        

Phys State Chng Cnt: 1                          RS-FEC Mode      : None

Configured Mode    : access                     Encap Type       : 802.1q

Dot1Q Ethertype    : 0x8100                     

Auto-negotiate     : N/A                        MDI/MDX          : unknown

Oper Phy-tx-clock  : not-applicable             

use-vlan-dot1q-ety*: No                         

Egress Rate        : Default                    

Egress Burst       : Default                    

Configured Address : 3c:8b:cd:eb:ac:ac

Hardware Address   : 3c:8b:cd:eb:ac:ac

Category           : regular                    

LoopbackMode       : none                       LoopbackVlan     : 0

Remark             : disabled                   

State Change Count : 1                          


Step 10. Check the detailed information of all the optical modules by using command show equipment transceiver-inventory detail


leg:isadmin># show equipment transceiver-inventory detail


transceiver-inventory table (detailed)





index : nt-a:xfp:1                                            

inventory-status : no-error                                              

nokia-part-num : 3FE62600DA                                            

clei-code : VAI2AE0DAA                                            

tx-wavelength : "1310 nm"                                             

fiber-type : single-mode   

mfg-name : WTD                                                   

mfg-oui : 001CAD                                                

mfg-date : 08/03/2019                                            

vendor-serial-num : WHTDCN19103388                                        

additional-info : MREV:05                                               

rssi-sfptype : 10gbase_lr                                             


Above are the whole test procedures we will do before shipping out the device. OLT system is a very important part of the internet access layer, any failure or malfunction of hardware will cause even more loss.


So far, NOKIA remained the second-largest telecom equipment vendor. But most of the telecom equipment suppliers in China more focus on local brands, such as Huawei, ZTE, or Fiberhome. Few suppliers have Nokia products, not to mention suppliers like us who have the test environment and technology. In view of this, tests before shipment is indispensable. To guarantee customers’ benefits, we will do a comprehensive test for Nokia 7360 ISAM FX as the above procedures, which realizes plug-and-play in a real sense.


The mainstream software version will be loaded by default, or you may contact if required following software version:

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