Because many devices on the network need to use U2000 network management for device commissioning and service configuration. The U2000 WEB LCT is the most commonly used U2000 network management system. So, this topic describes how to install the Web LCT.
All firmware should be provided by the client and obtained from legally authorized way.
Preparing for the Installation
Configuration requirements for Web LCT hardware
Item | Description |
Recommended configuration | Laptop CPU-i5-520M (2.40 GHz) or higher, 4 GHz memory or higher, 160 GB hard disk or higher, RS 232 Serial port, and 10/100Mbit/s Ethernet interface or higher |
Minimum configuration | Laptop CPU Intel E2140 1.6 GHz, 2 GB memory, RS 232 Serial port, and 10/100Mbit/s Ethernet interface or higher |
Configuration requirements for Web LCT software
Item | Description |
OS | · Windows 7 Professional 64bit (recommended)
· Windows 7 Professional 32bit (compatible configuration) · Windows XP Professional SP3 (compatible configuration) |
Browser | Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2, 7.0, 8.0, or 9.0 |
The Web LCT can be installed on the Windows OS with either the simplified Chinese version or English version. The default port that the Web LCT uses is port 13002 and 13443. The port used by the Web LCT cannot be used by another application or shielded by the firewall.
Installation Software list
Installation Mode | Required Software |
Using installation packages | NOTE: Here, specifies an environmental friendly package which does not require installation. After the package is decompressed, you can double-click the startup script to directly start the service. |
Using a DVD-ROM | U2000LCTversion_win32_x86_dvd.iso |
Installing the Web LCT
(1) Log in to the OS as an administrator.
(2) Check that the available space on either disk C or disk which LCT will be installed is larger than 10 GB.
(3) Check that current language for non-Unicode programs is English (United States).
Step 1. Log in to the Windows OS as an administrator.
Step 2. Prepare for the installation.
If you use installation packages to install the Web LCT, decompress all installation packages into the same directory. Use the WinRAR software for an example. Select all the packages, right-click and choose Extract Here from the shortcut menu.
If you use an installation DVD-ROM to install the Web LCT.
(1) Insert a Web LCT installation DVD into the DVD-ROM.
(2) Log in the root directory of the installation disk, copy the required installation packages to the server.
(3) Decompress all installation packages into the same directory. Use the WinRAR software for an example. Select all the packages, right-click and choose Extract Here from the shortcut menu.
Step 3. Double-click the install.bat file.
Step 4. Click Transmission WEBLCT.
Step 5. Select English from the drop-down list and click Next.
Step 6. Click Next.
Step 7. Click the I accept the terms of the license agreement option button and click Next.
Step 8. Set the installation path.
The installation path must be simple and cannot contain spaces, Chinese characters, or punctuations. For example, D:\Web_LCT.
Step 9 Click Next.
Step 10 Select related components and click Next.
Select the components to be installed according to managed NEs. The COMMON component is mandatory. It is recommended that all components be selected.
Step 11 Click Install. After the installation is complete, the Installation finished dialog box is displayed.
Step 12 Click Finish.
Verifying the Installation
Verifying Installation Paths and Shortcut Icons
Step 1. Check that the Web LCT installation path exists.
If the default path has been used for installing the Web LCT, the D:\Web_LCT path exists.
Step 2. Check that the JRE installation path exists.
If the default path has been used for installing the JRE, the D:\Web_LCT\WebLCT\jre path exists.
Step 3. Check shortcut icons.
Check that the Start Web LCT, Stop Web LCT and Uninstall Web LCT shortcut icons are displayed on the desktop.
The Start Web LCT, Stop Web LCT and Uninstall Web LCT options are available by choosing Start > Programs > iManager U2000 Web LCT.
Verifying the Security Level of the Internet Explorer
The security level of the Internet Explorer must be set to Medium, Medium-low, or Low to ensure proper running of the Web LCT. This topic describes how to check and set the security level of the Internet Explorer.
Step 1. Double-click the Internet Explorer icon on the desktop.
Step 2. Choose Tools > Internet Options from the main menu of the Internet Explorer.
Step 3. In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Security tab and then Default Level to check the security level of the Internet Explorer.
Step 4. Optional: If the security level of the Internet Explorer is set to High, change it to Medium, Medium-low, or Low.
By default, the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration function is configured on Windows Server 2003. The following steps use the Windows Server 2003 as an example to describe how to set the security level of the Internet Explorer to Medium, Medium-low, or Low. On Windows XP Professional, start from Step 7 to set the security level of the Internet Explorer.
1. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel.
Control Panel is displayed.
2. Double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon.
The Add or Remove Programs dialog box is displayed.
3. Click the Add/Remove Windows Components icon on the left.
The Windows Components Wizard dialog box is displayed.
4. Clear the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration check box.
If this check box is selected, the security level of the Internet Explorer is set to High.
5. Click Next.
6. Click Finish.
7. Double-click the Internet Explorer icon on the desktop.
8. Choose Tools > Internet Options from the main menu of the Internet Explorer.
9. In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Security tab and move the slider label to set the security level of the Internet Explorer to Medium, Medium-low, or Low.
10. Click Apply.
11. Click OK.
Installing the Security Certificate
Step 1. Double-click Start Web LCT on the desktop. The There is a problem with this website’s security certificate dialog box is displayed.
Step 2. Click Continue to this website (not recommended). The USER LOGIN dialog box is displayed.
Step 3. Click Certificate Error and View certificates. The Certificate dialog box is displayed.
Step 4. In the Certificate dialog box, click Certification Path.
Step 5. On the Certification Path tab page, select HuaWeiCA and click View Certificate. The Certificate dialog box is displayed.
Step 6. Click Install Certificate. The Certificate Import Wizard dialog box is displayed.
Step 7. Click Next. The Certificate Store dialog box is displayed.
Step 8. Select Place all certificate in the following store and click Browse. The Select Certificate Store dialog box is displayed.
Step 9. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click OK.
Step 10. In the Certificate Store dialog box, click Next. The Completing the Certificate Import Wizard dialog box is displayed.
Step 11. Click Finish. The Security Warning dialog box is displayed.
Step 12. Click Yes. The The Import was successful dialog box is displayed.
Step 13. Click OK.
Step 14. Choose Tools > Internet Options from the main menu of the Internet Explorer. The Internet Options dialog box is displayed.
Step 15. Click the Advanced tab and clear the selection of the Warn about certificate address mismatch check box.
Starting the Web LCT
Double-click the shortcut icon Start Web LCT on the desktop.
The Web LCT starts properly and the Web LCT login dialog box is displayed.
The default Web LCT user name is admin and the initial password is Changeme_123. Change the initial password after logging in to the Web LCT for the first time. Make a note of your password and keep it in a safe place.
After reading this article, I believe you have mastered the installation method of U2000 Web LCT. Regarding Web LCT acquisition and more questions, please contact our support team: support