A license is an agreement that the supplier and customer arrive at and authorizes the range and period of using the purchased product (it refers to the software product in this document). Through the license, the customer also obtains the services committed by the supplier. A license contains a license file and a license authorization certificate.
After purchasing a product, you can only use basic functions of the product. To use value-added service features or expand device resources, purchase licenses of corresponding device functions or resources to meet service requirements.
Depending on purpose, licenses are classified into commercial (COMM) licenses and non-commercial (DEMO) licenses; depending on authority, licenses are classified into function licenses and resource licenses:
Checking Licenses
Run the display license state command to check the license status on the fixed switch.
<HUAWEI> display license state
When the state is Normal, which indicates that a license file is working properly. If the status of the license file on the live network is not Normal, check the license file.
Checking Detailed Information About the License File
Run the display license command to check detailed information about the activated license file in the system. S5720 is used as an example.
<HUAWEI> display license Active license : flash:/LICORTF163673-554BEF51E8.dat License state : Trial Revoke ticket : No ticket RD of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Product name : S5700 Product version : V200R009 License Serial No : LIC2014032800EC50 Creator : Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Created Time : 2014-03-28 16:38:36 Feature name : ES5FEA1 Authorize type : DEMO Expired date : 2014-05-25 Trial days : 60 Item name Item type Value Description ------------------------------------------------------------- ES5SF4512K00 Resource 2 FIB512K ES5SF4128K00 Resource 6 FIB128K ES5SWL16AP00 Resource 64 WL16AP ES5SWL64AP00 Resource 16 WL64AP ES5SWL128AP0 Resource 8 WL128AP ES5SWL512AP0 Resource 2 WL512AP Master board license state: Trial. The trial days remains 60 days. Apply for authentic license before the current license expires.
There are several situations that the license state is trial, so what’re the probable reasons and related solutions?
1, If an incorrect ESN is used to apply for the license, the state of a commercial license file enters the trial.
Run the display esn command to check the ESN of the local device, and run the display license verbose command to check the ESN used to apply for the license (displayed in the License file ESN field). If the two ESNs are different, the license is in Trial state (you can check the license state using the display license command).
To continue to use a license file after the Trial state, apply for and load a new license file using the correct ESN before the expiration date of the Trial state.
If the license you want to load next time is a Demo license or a commercial license of which the ESN is different from the switch’s ESN, the license cannot be loaded. You can only load a commercial license of which the ESN is the same as the switch’s ESN.
2, If mistake run license revoke will lead to license file change the state into trial, you should check the license if has license revoke ticket
Before updating a license file, run the license revoke command to revoke the existing license. The system then returns a license revocation code, run the display license revoke-ticket command to view the revocation codes of an invalid license file. This code is the evidence for license invalidation and is used to apply for a new license.
3, If you replace the master switch but the new ESN does not match the license file, the license file enters the Trial state.
When the ESN of a device changes (for example, the device is replaced), the ESN in the license file is different from the new device ESN. As a result, the activated license enters the Trial state. You can run the display license command to view the Expired date field, which indicates the license expiration date. Then apply for and install the license file that matches the new device ESN before the license expiration date.
To check whether the ESN in the license file is the same as the actual device ESN, run the display esn to obtain the device ESN, run the display license verbose command to obtain the License file ESN value, and then compare the two ESNs.
If the license you want to install next time is a Demo license or a commercial license of which the ESN is different from the switch’s ESN, the license cannot be installed. You can only install a commercial license of which the ESN is the same as the switch’s ESN.
4, A temporary license file expires and enters the Trial state, to continue to use a license file after the Trial state, apply for a new license file and activate it.
After reading this article, you may clearly about the license and how to solve when the license state is trial, if you have any other problem, we are willing to assist you, please email sales@thunder-link.com.