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Test Report

Huawei OLT
Huawei Router
Huawei OTN
Huawei SDH
Chassis SN will be recorded for warranty purpose. Here in Test Report, only Chassis SN will be recorded, boards SN will be shown in Packing List.
Active/standby mainboard will be synchronized to make sure they can switch properly. some mainboards from open market can not be interoperable due to different versions, if not been tested, system may not run in normal status.
Software as demanded. Mainstream version by default before delivery, your requirement will be also adopted.
Check all equipped boards status one by one. Display power board status in slot 0, ensure power system is Normal.
Display all equipped boards to ensure system compatibility and all boards functional. OLT and its boards have version mapping, thus service boards may be unmatched with certain firmware version, risks can be eliminated after this test.
Uplink port status on main control boards and equipped uplink module will be tested. Optic Status-normal, means GE or 10G uplink module is equipped and works in normal status.
Optic Status-absence, means this port has no module, which makes a clear view for the uplink modules configuration.
Each PON board and its PON optical module TX power will be tested. All GPON or XGPON boards will be tested to ensure all ports has no fault, and can be online normally. TX power range of B+, C+ and C++ are different, all equipped modules TX power will be shown via command of display port state all, and each data will be checked if it is in the normal range.
System will be powered on at least twice. After loading software, boards will be equipped, auto detect, confirming, until all necessary information have been recorded, then power off. Power on again, to make sure mainboard and service board can boot normally. The system won’t be delivered if any exception occurs.
Chassis SN will be recorded for warranty purpose. Here in Test Report, only Chassis SN will be recorded, boards SN will be shown in Packing List.
Display all equipped boards to ensure system compatibility and all boards can be Registered and be in Normal. Routers such as ME60 or NE40E and their boards have version mapping, thus boards may be unmatched with certain firmware versions, and risks can be eliminated after this test.
Software as demanded. Mainstream version by default before delivery, your requirement will be also adopted.
Check all equipped boards status one by one. Mother board with daughter cards detailed info including Board status, Register, CPU, Mem will be checked, to reconfirm.
Embedded licenses are displayed, to confirm all license types and Qty are matched with customers' requirements.
SRU+SFU detailed info including Board status, Register, CPU, Mem will be checked, to reconfirm.
Chassis SN will be recorded for warranty purpose. Here in Test Report, only Chassis SN will be recorded, boards SN will be shown in Packing List.
Check all installed boards to ensure system compatibility and all boards active. OTN devices such as OSN1800, OSN8800 or OSN9800 and their boards have version mapping, thus service boards may be unmatched with certain firmware versions, and risks can be eliminated after this test.
Software as demanded. Mainstream version by default before delivery, your requirement will be also adopted.
Check each service board and its optical modules Detailed info of service board type, version, online state, and optical modules will be shown to confirm right configuration as required.
Chassis SN will be recorded for warranty purpose. Here in Test Report, only Chassis SN will be recorded, boards SN will be shown in Packing List.
Check all installed boards to ensure system compatibility and all boards active. SDH device such as OSN1500B, OSN3500 or OSN7500 and its boards have version mapping, thus service boards may be unmatched with certain firmware version, and risks can be eliminated after this test.
Software as demanded. Mainstream version by default before delivery, your requirement will be also adopted.
Check each service board and its optical modules Detailed info of service board type, version, online state, and optical modules will be shown to confirm right configuration as required.
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