Cautions for the Upgrade Failure on OptiX OSN 550

During the upgrade of an Optical transmission OSN 550 earlier than V100R007C10, if the NE has a TNH2EGT1 board, the SCC switching performs repeatedly in the process of activation. After the SCC switching times out, the NE rolls back to the original version, resulting in an upgrade failure.


[Problem Description]

Fault symptoms:
During the upgrade of an OptiX OSN 550 earlier than V100R007C10, if the NE has a TNH2EGT1 board, the SCC switching performs repeatedly in the process of activation. After the SCC switching times out, the NE rolls back to the original version, resulting in an upgrade failure.

Trigger conditions:

The problem may occur if the following conditions are met. An OptiX OSN 550 with the TNH2EGT1 board is upgraded.You can get more Huawei transmission board from Huawei network product distributor

  • The source version and target version of the upgrade are both earlier than V100R007C10.

Identification method:
This problem can be identified if the following conditions are met.

  • The source version and target version of the upgrade are both earlier than V100R007C10.
  • The OptiX OSN 550 is inserted with an TNH2EGT1 board.
  • The following information is recorded in the black box errlog reset record:

ExcptErr: taskname=004tSQMProcess, pc=4981b7ac, SR=40009032, FaultAddr=400, DataBuff=25ce364.

[Root Cause]
The software causes an abnormal alarm detecting task during the upgrade reset of the THN2EGT1 board. Therefore, the active SCC board resets and the package loading state rolls back to the state of activating the standby board. After the standby SCC board reset, the SCC tries to activate the THN2EGT1 board, which again triggers abnormal board tasks and active SCC board reset. In this condition, the status of package loading switches between activating the SCC and activating the THN2EGT1 board. As a result, the activation task times out and the upgrade fails.

[Impact and Risks]
If abnormal tasks occur, the NE upgrade fails.

[Measures and Solutions]
Recovery measures:None

Step 1 This step is critical. Create an upgrade task. On the page shown as follows, select Pause Before Current Operation, Dispense and Activate.



Step 2 Execute the upgrade task and wait until the package loading is complete.
Step 3 Run the following commands to quarantine all the EGTI boards.
BID1 and BID2 indicate the slot numbers of the boards.


Step 4 Resume the activation task to complete the upgrade.
Step 5 Wait for ten minutes after the activation is completed and then run commands to de-quarantine the EGTI boards.


Execute step 3 strictly after step 2 is complete.
Execute step 5 ten minutes after the activation succeed.

Upgrade the OptiX OSN 550 to V100R007C10 or a later version.


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