TN51SCC Boards in OptiX OSN 88006800

Please pay attention to the restriction of TN51SCC Boards in OptiX OSN 8800/6800

According to the product version policies of 2013Q4, new features that are available only in V100R008C10 and later cannot be used on an OptiX OSN 8800/6800 NE that is equipped with the TN51SCC board due to limited hardware capabilities of the TN51SCC board. If you want to use the new features, you must replace the TN51SCC board with the TN52SCC board.
[Problem Description]
Trigger condition:
An OptiX OSN 8800/6800 NE is involved in this notice when the following conditions are present:

  •  The NE version is V100R008C10 or later.
  • The TN51SCC board is used in the master subrack of the NE.

The TN51SCC board does not support the features that are available only in V100R008C10 and later.
Identification method:
An OptiX OSN 8800/6800 NE is involved in this notice when the following conditions are present:
Query the NE version on the NMS. The queried NE version is V100R008C10 or later.
Query the system control board in the master subrack of the NE on the NMS. The queried system control board is TN51SCC.
[Root Cause]
Hardware, such as the CPU and memory, has limited capabilities on the TN51SCC board.
[Impact and Risk]
For an OptiX OSN 8800/6800 NE of V100R008C10 or a later version, new features that are available only in V100R008C10 and later cannot be used on the NE if the NE uses the TN51SCC board in the master subrack.

[Measures and Solutions]
Recovery measures:
Preventive measures:
Replace the TN51SCC board with the TN52SCC board. For details about the operations, see the Parts Replacement of the current version.



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